We Believe
In the Tri-unity of the Godhead.
The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit
The Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ
Risen in both body and Spirit, and now seated at the right hand of God The Father.
Filled with the Holy Spirit
The believer needs to be filled with Holy Spirit.
Empowered to live a life that the Lord calls us to live.
We Believe that one must be born again You MUST be Born again to enter the kingdom of Heaven, and in a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, which comes because of Salvation.
The Primary evidence of one being born again is His Agape Love living through us and changing us to the image and likeness of Christ, and without this love in us,we cannot call ourselves HIS!
In the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit and exercising of them with God's Word as guidance and direction, and as He leads.
In the rapture of the church.
Before the 7 year tribulation.
Jesus will return to rule and reign upon the earth for 1000 years.
This will happen immediately following the 7 year tribulation.
So in turn we would like to invite you to come to know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior.
Receive His Promise right now... "Dear God. I am a sinner, and I am sorry. Please forgive me. I believe You raised Jesus from the dead and I receive Him now as the Lord and Savior of my life. Please Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and give me the strength
I need to live for You. Thank YOU In Jesus Name, AMEN"
If you just accepted Jesus into your life we would like to know about and Pray with you and please ask for "Welcome to Family Of God " booklet and this will help get you started in your new life. The Lord's Blessings on you.
We are involved with :
"For Zion's Sake" in Jerusalem, Israel
"Calvary Chapel" in Ukraine
“Positive Alternatives" in Caro, MI
What sets Calvary Chapel apart from other church movements or denominations?
Pastor Chuck Smith explains a unique and strong emphasis on teaching the Word of God, as well as the gifts and ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Below that you will find Pastor Chuck teaches the call to the ministry, church government, and the rapture of the church.